Rekrutacja 2010/2021 – in English
Change in the rules of recruitment to kindergartens and first grades of primary schools in connection to the coronavirus in Poland.
Applications will be accepted until March 20. Parents can use two methods:
1. Sending a scan of the application form and other documents via email to the institutions address. Email addresses and phone numbers of the institutions can be found on the websites of kindergartens or on the website of the Education Department, under the „Edukacja warszawska/szkoły i placówki publiczne” tab („Warsaw Education/schools and public institutions”) in an excel file form.
2. Delivering paper documents to the institution. The facility maintains strict sanitary rules: usage of hand disinfectant gel, limited contact with employees, maintaining an adequate 1.5 meter distance between those present in the building. Possible consultations are given only via phone and e-mail.
In case of problems with obtaining appropriate work certificates, institutions will accept parents’ statements granting their subsequent delivery.
2. Due to the Covid-19 virus outbreak, nurseries, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools will be closed from March 16. Teachers will send educational materials for individual work. In the coming days we will inform you about next steps.
1. Change in the rules of recruitment to kindergartens and first grades of primary schools in connection to the coronavirus in Poland.
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